Reid+Factor is a collaboration between Margaret Reid Boyer and Jodie Factor, founded in 2017. In the twenty years following graduate school at the School of Visual Arts, we have continued to share our work with each other for feedback and advice. During these meetings we’ve had many lively discussions about the state of the contemporary American female. Our own experiences as mothers, wives, and working women fuel our photographic investigation into the proscribed roles of women in our culture.

Not everyone would consider photography a collaborative endeavor. It works for us because we are the products of the same school of thought and are influenced by many of the same artists. We enjoy working each part of the process together from the conception of ideas, to stage direction, shooting, and editing. But we are also aligned in terms of technology. We shoot on film and tap friends and family for locations and subjects. For costumes we raid our closets and our mothers’ closets. We make this work out of whatever tools we have on hand, which allows us to embrace the capricious nature of our artmaking process.

Vitrine, from the series Mad Habitat, 2018, archival pigment print, various sizes.


Claire McConaughy


Cecelia Rembert