I grew up in the Nevada desert. That spare geography offered me the now-radical opportunity to experience myself as governed by geological time/space, not sociocultural time/space. I placed my kid self in that expanse often, meeting gender and queer identities that didn’t fit within my community.

Today, my sculptures and installations explore the relationship between external and internal (psychic) vastness, and how embodied expanse can dismantle limiting narratives of being. I’m particularly interested in the way perceptual experience can align queer identities.

My pieces oscillate between objects and perceptual experimentation. I utilize translucency, layering, color gradients and architectural references to speak both to bodies in space and psyches seeking sense. I build remote works for my own practice of healing, and public artworks to offer sites of grounding and (re)alignment to others.

Rise Early, Know This, 2017, canvas, sandpaper, wood, twine, metal, acrylic and dry pigment.


Carrie-Ann Bracco


Alexandra Chiou